The Ginger Shots Recipe I discovered on Tiktok: For Gut Health

The shot that I stock up weekly in my fridge!

It was a random video that came up on my feed. Should I stumble upon the creator again, I shall tag that account.

As a food reviewer, I have less control over what I consume, mainly because my job involves eating – sometimes more than necessary for my body. So, protecting my gut becomes an important part of my daily routine.

I do these shots on a 2 weekly basis for myself and husband. Ever since I started doing these I realise I generally feel better, and seldom with stomach upset. These was once, I got lazy, and I didn’t Juice these ingredients together to top up my supply that was depleted. Needless to say, I caught the bug that was going around, and fell really ill for a week.

So, I’ll be doing this as often as I can.


Juice of 2 lemons
1 tsp cayenne
1 tsp black pepper


Option 1:
1. Blend all these ingredients in a blender.
2. Put it through a fine mesh sieve to get all the juice in without the pulp

Option 2: (I use this method)
1. I put Ginger, Turmeric, Lemon into my juicer that will cold press the ingredients and sieve it at the same time
2. Add in Cayenne, Black Pepper to the juice and mix well.

Once you’ve obtained the juice, there are 2 options of storage.

Option 1:
Funnel the juice into 20 ml bottles and store it in the refrigerator to consume every morning. This method has limited shelf life. I notice that the juice’s colour and properties start to change on the 4th day in the fridge. So this is best consumed fresh, and up to 3-5days later if kept in an air tight container in a cold fridge.

Option 2: (I prefer this)
Put the juice into an ice cube tray and freeze them. Every morning, take 1 or 2 cubes and mix it with warm water for consumption

I usually get comments and DMs on my Instagram account about the proportions of each ingredient. All the ingredients have their benefits, so the difference in proportions would just mean a difference in taste. So if this is your first time, just go ahead and try it.

Once you’ve had your first batch, trust me, you’ll know which ingredient you want more or less of. When it was my first time, I immediately knew that I wanted less tumeric. Haha!

I will attached videos here should I decide to make them in the future. 🙂

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